As they appear in the First Canto of the Bhāgavatam, Queen Kuntī’s celebrated prayers consist of only twenty-six couplets (verses 18 through 43 of the eighth chapter), yet they are considered a philosophical, theological, and literary masterpiece.
Category: Books
Civilization and Transcendence
Srila Prabhupada’s replies to a questionnaire from Bhavan’s Journal. An overview of Krishna consciousness. In this small book Srila Prabhupada addresses the fallacies of our modern so-called advanced civilization. After pointing out that today the
Light of the Bhagavata
This book is so special for me. “It was written in Vṛndāvana in 1961 in response to an invitation to attend a world conference, the Congress for Cultivating the Human Spirit, held in Japan. As
Path of Perfection
When we see a book with a title like The Path of Perfection, we may react with a bit of common skepticism: “Oh, another book claiming to give all the answers. One more do-it-yourself enlightenment scheme.” And
Life Comes from Life
This is the book that really manifests Srila Prabhupada’s lion-like mood of an unconquerable vaisnava acarya. Absolute truth and common sense shall prevail. Most brain-puzzling scientific mysteries are resolved. With a clear logic and sastric
Perfect Questions Perfect Answers
The world is filled with questions & answers. But ridiculously questions like “Who am I? What is spiritual life? What are God’s energies and what does He do? What if I don’t feel like surrendering